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application of fund中文是什么意思

用"application of fund"造句"application of fund"怎么读"application of fund" in a sentence


  • 资金应用
  • 资金运用


  • Accounts of applications of funds
  • Lack of macro supporting system has hindered the full application of funds evaluations techniques and is a substantial resource for above problems . to embark on effective and efficient funds evaluation , supporting systems must be developed and put in place in advance
  • The paper studies the application of funds management theories in life insurance funds management , and researches deeply the main risk of asset liabilities management and methods of risk control . the paper compares and analyzes the condition of funds application among developed countries and our country , points out some problems and its reason in funds management application in our country , and then provides some suggestion
  • The first part introduces the constitutes of the life insurance fund , namely capital fund , accumulation fund , security fund and other funds . the funds has the long - term stability , save and investment income characteristics , , the second part discusses the application of funds management theories and investment theories in life insurance funds management
  • Article 107 the financial supervision and regulation department shall have the authority to inspect the operations of an insurance company , including its financial position and application of funds and shall have the authority to request an insurance company to submit relevant written reports and information within a prescribed period of time
用"application of fund"造句  


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